{"total_rows":8273,"offset":6790,"rows":[ {"id":"map-0PZxfh8s","key":"Map","value":{"_id":"map-0PZxfh8s","_rev":"1-d2cad159f5afdb3af64f760049fd9f58","type":"Map","description":"","scale":1,"center":{"x":0,"y":0},"default_perspective_id":"pers-jaBlHUsT","default_element_behavior":"floating","default_connection_direction":"directed","name":"Orange Unified","created_at":"2023-11-01T20:33:48.147Z","updated_at":"2023-11-01T20:33:48.147Z"}}, {"id":"map-TTbULw0v","key":"Map","value":{"_id":"map-TTbULw0v","_rev":"44-8c38e5c2f178410a73a73b38eb40e8ac","type":"Map","description":"[This article from April 2022 explains the playbook in detail, and who is in charge of these culture wars. Please read!](https://www.exposedbycmd.org/2022/04/14/christian-right-redeploy-astroturf-strategy-used-virginia-win-midterms/)\n\n**Updated 9/4/23**\n\n* Click the red “Start Here” node at the top of the visual map to get started - [Click to jump to \"Start Here\"](https://kumu.io/chartyb/socal-far-right-school-board-protesters#far-right-protester-network/start-here)\n\n* If you are in focus mode (where you're zoomed in on one item with only surrounding connections showing), you can click and hold any blank space in the map to leave focus mode. \n\n* To get back to this overview at any point, hit the esc key or long press on any blank spot in the map. This works for desktop and mobile. \n\n* Additionally you can highlight involvement by school district with the drop down menu at the bottom right corner of the map\n\n**NAVIGATION GUIDE**\n\n* Please view the map on a computer... it’s really not optimized for mobile. \n\n**[1]**\n\n![kumu screenshot overview1](https://s3.amazonaws.com/cloud.kumu.io/accounts/409128/844456/9fef6623-8f3b-438c-8a2a-1dc26afcd0f7.jpg)\n\nThis is the initial view when you open the map. Click the red \"start here\" item within the map, or [click here to jump to \"start here\"](https://kumu.io/chartyb/socal-far-right-school-board-protesters#far-right-protester-network/start-here)\n\n**[2]**\n![kumuscreenshot2](https://s3.amazonaws.com/cloud.kumu.io/accounts/409128/844456/f607f286-fee1-49ed-b6c7-b3cd76496a33.jpg)\nAfter you navigate to the start here item, you'll end up here. \n\nDouble clicking any item will bring up the profile behind it on the left side of your screen. I will fill these in more as I go, I just wanted to get the initial layout set. There are resources and hyperlinks to take you to whichever school district you're wanting to view. \n\n**[3]**\n![kumuscreenshottemeculaoverview](https://s3.amazonaws.com/cloud.kumu.io/accounts/409128/844456/015c9e5f-c6ef-458e-8831-7b75bcc41205.jpg)\nI'm using the Temecula school district as an example: After clicking the Temecula hyperlink (or item within the map), you'll get the overview of Temecula. Here I'll add information and resources specifically for TVUSD. \n\n**[4]**\n![kumuscreenshotfilterbydistrict](https://s3.amazonaws.com/cloud.kumu.io/accounts/409128/844456/34c04b5e-4d55-4a59-a7e4-6fdc0bcfcf21.jpg)\nNext, click on the menu item in the bottom right titled \"Highlight involvement by School District\". A dropdown with districts will appear.\n\n**[5]**\n![kumuscreenshot-filtertemecula](https://s3.amazonaws.com/cloud.kumu.io/accounts/409128/844456/3572edd1-2712-46b4-895e-7918269db8cf.jpg)\nOnce you click the district (here I selected Temecula), all the items that have any involvement with Temecula will now be the only items visible. From here you can zoom in, click on items to see the profiles, and/or hover on an item to see which other ones directly connect. (You can do these things on the main view where all of the items are visible as well) \n\n**[6]**\n![kumuscreenshot - focus and profile](https://s3.amazonaws.com/cloud.kumu.io/accounts/409128/844456/ccee3dcf-d8ba-4be2-ab2b-5820ad2078ef.jpg)\nI'm still filling in the profiles behind the items, but this is a good example of one I have filled out. Click and hold on any item - a long press will enter focus mode which shows the item you clicked on and any surrounding connections. If you double click on any item, it will bring up the profile on the left side. \n\n* If the profile isn't showing, look for 3 vertical dots on the left side of the screen. The three vertical dots should show and hide the profile view.\n\n* Click and hold anywhere on the map to leave the focus setting. If you want to view another district, make sure you uncheck Temecula before selecting the new district you wish to view. \n\n\nHappy exploring!\n\nWe would like to thank https://thatweirdolee.github.io/anti-trans-conversion-map/network/index.html# and https://www.transgendermap.com for all of their invaluable collection of information that assisted in the construction of this data set.","scale":1,"center":{"x":0,"y":0},"default_perspective_id":"pers-aOMwxsAi","default_element_behavior":"floating","default_connection_direction":"directed","name":"Far Right Protester Network","created_at":"2023-07-02T04:39:47.795Z","updated_at":"2023-12-31T01:59:48.078Z","communityData":{"settings":{"communityAttribute":"Community","communityLimit":10,"minimumCommunitySize":1,"t":100,"r":0.050000000000000002776},"results":{"best":{"elem-NACvYiOE":"1","elem-9wUxVtqe":"1","elem-ZMhr3IqH":"1","elem-11iimD2g":"1"},"byCommunity":{"1":{"elem-NACvYiOE":1,"elem-9wUxVtqe":0.98999999999999999112,"elem-ZMhr3IqH":0.98999999999999999112,"elem-11iimD2g":0.98999999999999999112}},"byElement":{"elem-NACvYiOE":{"1":1},"elem-9wUxVtqe":{"1":0.98999999999999999112},"elem-ZMhr3IqH":{"1":0.98999999999999999112},"elem-11iimD2g":{"1":0.98999999999999999112}},"communities":[{"id":"1","rank":1,"members":["elem-NACvYiOE","elem-9wUxVtqe","elem-ZMhr3IqH","elem-11iimD2g"]}]}}}} ]}